Friday, January 23, 2009

Online LMS

Online learning management systems are a suite of software tools
that enable the management and facilitation of a range of learning
and teaching activities and services. In large-scale operations,
online learning management systems (or LMSs as they are
commonly known) can save costs and time. In conventional
educational settings, online-learning management systems can
help to improve the speed and effectiveness of the educational
processes, communication among learners, and also staff and
students. Use of LMSs in nontraditional educational settings (such
as in distance education contexts) allows organizations to
maximize their value by enabling flexible access to its resources
and services. A few of the widely known LMSs are: BlackboardTM,
WebCTTM, FirstClassTM, MoodleTM, and Lotus Learning SpaceTM
Most online learning management systems also incorporate a
learning content management system (LCMS), which is a set of
software tools that enables the, storage, use and reuse of the
subject matter content.
Contemporary organizations recognize that the use of onlinelearning
management systems have the potential to significantly
improve their image and value, as well as access to their services.
Recent studies conducted by industry analyst Brandon Hall
suggest that there has been a steady rise in the use of LMS for
education and training over last few years (http://www.brandonhall.
com/). Chapter 4
Most LMSs will have the following features: course content
delivery capabilities; management of online class transactions;
tracking and reporting of learner progress; assessment of learning
outcomes; reporting of achievement and completion of learning
tasks; and student records management. It is likely that the next
generation of LMSs will have additional features such as better
collaborative learning tools and better integration with other
complementary systems, and with portable and wireless (mobilelearning)
devices. It is also suggested that the next generation of
LMSs is going to be increasingly browser-based and less reliant on
umpteen downloads or plug-ins on the user’s desktop. They will
have to be easier-to-use, more robust, scalable and more easily
customizable. With the growing interest in the sharing of study
materials, they are also likely to comply more with industry
standards and with complementary systems.
Adherence to emerging standards
With the proliferation of online learning in all sectors of education
and training, one of the most vital issues in the development of
LMSs is going to be compliance with uniform, industry-wide
standards for delivering and supporting learning and teaching
materials. Proprietary learning resources (commonly known as
“learning objects”) generally do not operate across different
platforms, making them difficult and expensive to use easily. To
enable learning objects to be reused and managed across various
learning management systems, the online-learning industry has
embarked on initiatives for the development of industry-wide
standards and specifications.
A widely known initiative in setting such industry-wide standards
for the sharing of digital learning resources is SCORM (Shareable
Content Object Reference Model. SCORM is a widely accepted
framework for defining learning objects that has been developed
by the United States Department of Defense to promote the use of
digital learning objects across different learning management
s y s t e m s ( s e e a l s o h t t p : / / s e a r c h w e b s e r v i c e s .,,sid26_gci796793,00.html).
As these standards continue to push for wider recognition and
adoption, developers of LMS and LCMS, and learning resources
who comply with their specifications are going to strengthen user
confidence. See chapter 5 in this guide on “digital learning objects”
and their implications for emerging LMSs.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Choosing a right Learning Management System.

The right employee training at the right time is essential for proper functioning and growth of any organization or company. It pays off for the employer in terms of increased productivity, knowledge, loyalty, and contribution. But to harness the maximum benefits out of training, companies should employ the right training method that will bring a guaranteed return on investment. Of the various methods of training, online training has emerged as the most inexpensive, easy and effective mode of imparting as well as designing trainings or learning. Online learning programs are known as Learning Management Systems or LMS, and a popular one is the eLeaP™ Learning Management System (LMS/LCMS), developed and headed by President Don Weobong.

eLeaP learning management system employs a simple, intuitive user interface which facilitates technical as well as non technical managers of any company of any size to easily create manage and track interactive training courses and learning for all level of users. eLeaP LMS is a complete, secure, web based training and e- learning solution that helps managers to keep a tab on what their employees are learning and formulate apposite trainings as per their needs. The eLeaP learning management system enables knowledge sharing throughout the company or organization which is vital for company’s growth. It recommends the best way to learn as per the student’s abilities and that too in the language of their choice.

Before choosing a learning management system, a company should always look for the factors like security, user friendly interface, flexibility, easy customization, affordability and easy installation. One company that fulfils all these criteria is eLeaP. The learning management system of eLeaP is designed meet and exceed the training needs of the large companies in the best possible way but also proves to be the best training solution partner of smaller companies. The flexibility, simplicity, affordability, easy customization of eLeaP learning management system gives it an edge over other such services available in the market.

For getting cost effective e-learning and training solution from eLeaP, you don’t have to install complex programs or burn a hole in your pocket in buying expensive software or hardware or wait for days to get the system installed. The custom and secure training management system can be deployed in just 8 minutes and at a fraction of the cost of traditional training methods. eLeaP LMS also provides 5 minutes quick overview of its compelling features and services offered, which will help you to zero on the type of services required for your company. In this competitive business environment, you need the best training solution for your employees to scale new heights in terms of business growth and eLeaP LMS is the best training solution partner in this endeavour.

Learning Management System in recession

New research launched today by eLearning and advanced content solutions provider, IMC (UK) Learning Ltd, shows that nearly nine out of ten HR professionals (88%) believe properly planned staff training can play a major role in addressing the challenges created by an economic slowdown. Despite this, over half (57%) of those questioned say staff training is one of the first budgets to be cut during bad times. 

Recently, there has been much focus on the effects of the current economic downturn and impending recession, including streamlining businesses by cutting budgets. The survey, 'Staff training during an economic downturn - opportunities and threats', was designed to establish the views of HR professionals regarding the importance of training and learning in uncertain economic times. 

Key findings emerged when HR professionals were asked about the effect of the economic downturn on training budgets. An overwhelming 80% agree that cutting training budgets at this time causes more problems than it solves, while 83% acknowledge that staff training is just as important during recession as when times are good. 

Commenting on the research, Dr Dirk Thissen, managing director at IMC (UK) Learning Ltd, says: 'The research clearly shows that HR professionals place a high value on training staff whatever the economic situation, which is extremely encouraging. During times of economic uncertainty more than ever it is essential to have a competent, skilled workforce. What is worrying, however, is that training budgets are high on the list of cuts when streamlining a business operation. It is clear that HR practitioners will be asked to do more with less as recession sweeps the UK.' 

Adaptability is also seen as a key requirement from training when times are challenging. Over four in five (87%) respondents agree that it is important for training to adapt quickly and efficiently to organisations' changing needs during an economic downturn. A similar number (88%) say that the ability to train both large and small numbers of staff cost effectively is important. 

Thissen continues: 'HR professionals are looking for flexibility from their staff training. Whereas they might previously have had the luxury of using a selection of training tools and methods, reduced budgets mean they must be able to produce and adapt materials to suit a variation of situations. With the increased development of eLearning tools and web based solutions, such as learning management systems and rapid authoring tools, HR practitioners can do exactly this. Content can be created quickly and efficiently and all learning activity can be combined in a single platform that can be adapted to specific business processes.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Advantages of Learning Management Systems

One of the major technological innovations that has taken place in IT learning over the past three to four years has been the emergence of learning management systems. A learning management system (LMS) is an automated system for administering the learning process within an organization. Recently, the deployment of learning management systems to help develop the human capital of organizations has become mainstream in most successful, large corporations. Most discussions regarding learning management systems have focused on the benefits they deliver to the organization or to managers. In this article, we are going to look at the power of an LMS to the individual. You will see how it can be used to more effectively maintain and develop your skills and your certifications and how it can be used to prove your own success and development within the IT learning industry.

The advantages begin with access to the training itself. Good learning management systems will allow you to sort through global online catalogs for complete access to all the learning available to you and then easily filter through this information to select the courses that match your specific needs for training and certification. You can access all of your learning resources through a single point of access.

A second advantage of an LMS for the individual is the ability to understand your current skills before you embark upon learning. Comprehensive learning management systems are typically populated with a number of assessments in the area of technology and soft skills. This tool allows you to gain a better understanding of where you are today to determine which courses are needed to reach your learning goals. The better learning management systems will also allow you to construct development paths for yourself and view your own progress against your goals. You can piece together courses, classes or reading documents into whatever format you want in order to build your own individualized learning path.

A third advantage of learning management systems for individuals is their capability to dramatically personalize the learning. Sophisticated learning management systems allow learners to leave their own notes inside the learning, create bookmarks, personalize content pages and favorites and list the activities they want to undertake. This system allows you to create your own home page and list those courses and activities in which you are currently engaged. It will also automatically alert you when a new program or certification that you are interested in is made available. Many learning management systems also unlock the ability to collaborate with your peers, both within your organization and across the industry, through threaded discussions, live chats or mentored sessions. The ability to get access to personalized training information and expert resources and support through a single point of entry is incredibly powerful.

Last, but perhaps the most advantageous, is the ability of an LMS to allow you to fully manage and track your own learning. The best learning management systems have a documented transcript progress to serve as a dynamic record of your learning. It keeps track of everything you do—all of the classes attended, all of the e-learning courses taken, what stage you have reached within the course, assessments taken and all other activities. The power of these transcripts is their ability to show how much you have invested in learning and how much has been achieved. Clearly, this is an enormous advantage when applying for promotions, seeking a new job or approaching the organization about furthering your training.

In many ways, a good LMS provides as many benefits to the individual as it does to the organization because of the power it gives individuals to tailor, customize and track their own learning. For those of you who have the opportunity to take advantage of an LMS, either within your organization or those provided by training vendors, I strongly encourage you to take the time to understand how much value these platform technologies can provide to you as a learner. The ability to dynamically build training paths, to customize the learning to best meet your needs, to gain a single point of access to all the of the resources you need to be successful, and finally, to provide you with a single unified transcript that is a summary of your investment and your success in your development can go a long way toward helping you achieve your goals in the IT industry

What is A Tutor?

Tutor is an Open Source Web-based Learning Content Management System (LCMS) designed with accessibility and adaptability in mind.

Administrators can install or update ATutor in minutes, develop custom themes to give ATutor a new look, and easily extend its functionality with feature modules. Educators can quickly assemble, package, and redistribute Web-based instructional content, easily import prepackaged content, and conduct their courses online. Students learn in an adaptive learning environment